

Our Story

About Our Founder

Rock and Roll Designs was founded in Sacramento, California. I am Erika Campos-Ho a wife, a mother of two grown children and two furry babies.

I enjoy creating jewelry that helps to heal the mind, body and soul, the same way it helped me throughout life journey.

I started making the bracelets and creating new fashionable jewelry with a glamorous touch when I became an empty nester. I needed something to help me heal my heart as I was missing my now grown children.

I open my Bible (Deut. 32:3), Moses began to ascribe “greatness to our Lord.” The Rock of ages was thus defined as “an unfailing source of strength” for the Lord is everlasting strength (Isaiah 26:4). Kind David said, the Lord was his rock, his fortress, deliverer, strength, shield, stronghold, and the horn of his salvation.

Which it reminded me of what rocks have meant in my everyday life. Rocks represent struggles to overcome and perspectives to be gained. Many myths, fables and stories use rocks to symbolize the obstacles a character must overcome to complete their quest.

These rocks are immovable and often jagged structures, and you must employ perseverance if they mean to climb up and over. However, once over you realize the hard work gave you strength, much like the obstacle you just overcame and if you have ever scaled a mountain then you know the climb can offer perspective.

The journey of overcoming struggle after struggle, of testing yourself against the very physical substance that gives meaning to the word “endurance” tends to provide a refreshing new point of view.

The joy is simple delight; quiet moments marveling in the tranquility of streams of water bouncing over pebbles, looking at the sky and thanking God for everything you have. Realizing the excitement of seeing a jewel catch and hold the light. The mesmerizing quality that stones have of taking on both cold and heat in your life. It isn’t any wonder my ancestors’ viewed rocks as the bones of Mother Earth just like most of us are not surprised to see faces or animals in natural stone formations. They were among those who knew best about the symbolism of stones and rocks.

Steadfast wisdom, enduring perseverance and joyful awe; these are the effects that nature has on us. “Yet somehow we seem to forget this.”

We walk idly by the very things that remind us of the everlasting and the reliable.

We forget that it is the physical world that allows us to survive and thrive. Consider how you might infuse your day-to-day life with reminders of the building blocks of your life.

Sometimes it is from the mouth of our children that we must be reminded of these lessons. As my now adult daughter Emily puts it,

“You can just wear these beautiful rocks on your wrist and, feel the love, and be happy.”

My son Will and Emily instinctually know about the effect rocks have on me to help heal with Empty Nesting.

Because they know from hearing this mama since they were little, that each crystal bead is intended to bring forth and inspire spiritual growth, the raw wood helps to connect to nature and feel grounded, while the chunk chain serves as a playful reminder of life’s hard edges.

The combined elements are glamorous wearables that remind us to live each day to its fullest.

Always continue to seek your higher self and aim to have the best positive vibes!

With all my love from me to you.